Yesterday you met our two wonderful guard dogs Maggie and Marley. Today I'd like to introduce you to our three border collies; Jim, Nan & Eoghan (Owen). These furry members of our family have some really great and different personalities. They always seem to know when we need a good laugh!
Jim came to us from New York where he worked about a thousand sheep. Jim made his home here on the farm about two years ago. He's very athletic and very, very serious when he's working and herding the sheep. When it's time to relax though, he's a completely different dog, he lives for affection, loves to be touched, and tries to not lose sight of his shepherd. He loves to watch shows about sheep, farming, and dog shows.
Jim freshening up on his herding skills.
Jim even enjoys watching himself on KET's Kentucky Life.
Nan came to us about a month or two before Jim. She's a sweet older girl that loves to work and play, she even has a bit of a crazy side, her eyes let you know that real quick!! Nan has never been able to have pups of her own. She has this fascination with smaller things and people, she loves small dogs, stuffed animals and babies. Oh and especially the ball, she loves "the ball" or even a ball of yarn will do! She don't let those two boys get anything on her.
Nan babysitting little Rainbow.
Last but not least we have Eoghan, our precious big, big baby. He was our first border collie that recently turned three years old. Eoghan's not a working dog, he's never herded the sheep like Nan and Jim do. However he loves to herd the "buggy" (AKA our Kubota side by side), tag along during chores, and riding in the truck. Eoghan is also a big fan of twirling, he likes to think he can twirl and run faster than any other dog. We'll be in the middle of putting fence up and here comes Eoghan dragging the biggest tree limb along behind him, like he's so proud. He's a lot like a younger brother, just always goofing and ready to make us laugh.
Eoghan looking to steal the frisbee out of the back of the Kubota.
Cooling off for a bit.
He may be goofy but he's the sweetest thing ever. Rainbow needed comforted and he was the right guy for the job.
I can't end this with out mentioning a very important member of this family that's no longer with us but lays under the old oak tree out from the house. Shadow was our 11 year old sheltie whom we loved and adored. A piece of our hearts have been gone since he left us a year ago. My heart smiles though, knowing he got to experience life on the farm and to really see what it meant to be a "shetland sheepdog". We miss our Shadow so much!!!
This is a family picture from 2006, before there were ever even thoughts of a farm. My father, mother, two brothers, shadow and I.
Shadow enjoying the farm.