Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sweet Maggie

When I went out to check the girls' water today after the storms, this is what I found.

 Maggie decided that the rain just wasn't enough and needed to give Patience another bath.
Such a good girl!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Moving On But Not To Greener Pastures

  I've been absent for a while from blogging and I could tell you the thousands of excuses that I came up with in my head to put this off but it comes down to this simple truth, dread. I didn't want to have to explain how my husband and I have recently moved off the family farm to an apartment about 20 minutes away. Writing it down just made it a whole lot more realer.
  While it was an exciting time for my husband and I to be getting back on our own, it was still a very emotional time as well. I have so many emotional attachments to the farm that it broke my heart to leave.
At first I knew my trips to the farm were going to be pretty limited even though we only moved 20 minutes away, we were trying to watch our spending. Fortunately we were able to work things out so I can still help out on the farm throughout the week.
  It's funny how when your absent from a place for even a short while, you start to realize how much of it you really took for granted.

My heaven on earth...

 Locust trees in full bloom.

 Honeysuckle as long as the fence line.

And wild blackberry bushes scattered all over the farm.